God cannot be everywhere, so He created mothers! Mothers exactly know what children need and their advice comes from a place of unconditional love and the best of wishes. A mother’s words of wisdom are nothing but precious life mantras which are exactly aligned with her child’s holistic growth and development. Mothers are important sources of strength and faith for each one of us. Life hacks shared by moms are valuable and to be reflected upon all throughout our life’s journey. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, Team MissMalini shares the best life advice and hacks that they have gotten from their mommies! Read on to get some enlightening life tips from the super moms of today.
1. Alisha Fernandes, Features Director
Alisha shares how her mom inspires with example, giving an advice that it is important to be in healthy competition only with yourself.
The life hack my mom taught me was to go at your own pace if you have to because in life you’re only really in competition with yourself and to push yourself to be better. For instance, she’s 70 and still does at least one trek a year

2. Natasha Patel, Associate Features Director
Natasha is driven with empathy and self-manifestation, following her mom’s guidance. She says,
I get a lot of great life advice from my mom but one thing that she’s always taught me and my sisters is to treat and respect people and their feelings no matter what. Because kindness can go a long way. She’s also taught me the power of self-manifestation.

3. Nelly Wadia, Fashion Features Writer
Nelly’s mom asks her to always be super independent, come what may!
My mother always advised me to never give up working even after marriage, an independent woman is a happy woman, she said. I’m pretty sure I’d never give up working for anyone or anything until I want to retire, if that day ever arrives that is.

4. Pooja Maheshwary, Features Writer
Pooja shares one of the most important life hacks she gotten from her mom— For that quick mood-fix, listen to your body and give it what it really needs.
Whenever I’m cranky or irritated, the first thing my mom asks is when I ate last. And often times, without knowing, my crabbiness is courtesy an empty stomach, haha! It’s the best #LifeHack honestly. Every time you feel moody, just do a quick self-check to see if you’re hungry or thirsty! Mostly, all you need is a little food or a glass of water!

5. Debarati Paul, Director Strategy & Marketing Head of Girl Tribe
Debarati’s shares that mom’s greatest advice to her is that happy girls are the prettiest. She has also picked the life hack that is important for most Indian girls!
Best advice I got from my mom is that “Your thoughts reflect on your face, so if you want to look good, keep your thoughts and heart clean”. The life hack she taught me is to drape a saree perfectly!

6. Mahek Porbunderwala, Talent & Influencer Marketing
Mahek’s mom taught her the best solution to all the problems. She says,
The best advice I’ve gotten from my mom is that time solves everything

7. Aishwarya Marimuthu, Script Writer
Aishwarya shares how her mom encourages her to not only care for others but for self too!
My mom’s best life advice to me is to be sensitive towards needs of others and yourself as well :)

8. Saania Hava, Creative Strategist
Saania’s mom has her believing in the plan and power of the universe.
“Whatever happens, happens for the best” It’s a phrase that shes always said, taught, and prayed for. This statement has stuck by me throughout my life in good and bad times. I hope everyone can see that the universe has its own plan and you must just have faith in its working.

9. Yeansha Lodha, Manager to MissMalini
Yeansha gives out the secret to staying sane in the craziest of times
My mom’s best advice is to always follow your gut and NEVER GIVE UP

10. Mrinal Bhat, Content Strategist for Girl Tribe
Here is the life advice that I have from my mom which shall stick with me forever. My mom never ever let me give up when times were tough. To date, when it comes to tough exams, interviews, relationships, life tasks or duties & responsibilities- she always tells me to put in my best effort, doing all that I can do to the best of my ability and only then leave the rest, sit back and not worry about results. Sharing my mom’s life mantra “Do your best, leave the rest”

Mothers do know best, right? Looking forward to read life advice from all your moms out there in the comments section!
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